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Visual identity and annual report design by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways

CareerTrackers是澳大利亚一个全国性的慈善组织,为土著大学生提供专业的职业道路、实习项目和与私营部门雇主的联系,从而解决土著的劣势。它是通过一个非洲裔美国人实习项目改编的模型来实现这一目标的,该项目已经有45年的历史。她们致力于帮助更多学生在赞助公司实习,这样可以在大学毕业后更快的成为全职员工。总部位于悉尼的Garbett工作室与 CareerTrackers合作,为该组织的颁奖晚会设计宣传广告设计

Visual identity and annual report design by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways

CareerTrackers的年度报告记录了非营利组织在澳大利亚的一系列陈述和统计数据所产生的影响。 这种一组卡片的设计模式 ,把枯燥无味说明和数据变得温暖而有个性, 简化信息有助于明确量化统计语言。

Visual identity and annual report design by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways


Visual identity and annual report design by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways


Visual identity and annual report design by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways
Visual identity and award design by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways


Gala awards collateral by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways
Gala awards collateral by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways
Visual identity and award design by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways
Visual identity and print by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways
Visual identity and print by Garbett for CareerTrackers, a charitable organisation that addresses Indigenous disadvantage by developing professional career pathways

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