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Marc-Favreau library is part of a revitalization of the former municipal workshop near metro Rosemont. This building which is both a renovation and a new construction is home to a hybridization between a library and a community center. Design and deployment of integrated signaling to the building.

Conception at studio Multiple

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Marc-Favreau图书馆导视,EGD, 环境图形设计, 图书馆标识,图书馆指示系统

Marc-Favreau图书馆导视,EGD, 环境图形设计, 图书馆标识,图书馆指示系统

Marc-Favreau图书馆导视,EGD, 环境图形设计, 图书馆标识,图书馆指示系统

Marc-Favreau图书馆导视,EGD, 环境图形设计, 图书馆标识,图书馆指示系统

Marc-Favreau图书馆导视,EGD, 环境图形设计, 图书馆标识,图书馆指示系统

Marc-Favreau图书馆导视,EGD, 环境图形设计, 图书馆标识,图书馆指示系统

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